香港デモ 2019年7月

香港デモ 2019年7月

「警察」カテゴリー 第 4 位
2020-03-25 更新  3,929 Views

カテゴリー: 警察   タグ: 香港  
閲覧数:3929  投稿日:2019-12-18   更新日:2020-03-25   投稿:tweets_demo_

Aaron Mc Nicholas @aaronMCN

The above video shows the first use of tear gas today, so for completeness, this video from 17:09 shows the intense minutes leading up to the tear gas being deployed #antiELAB

Aaron Mc Nicholas @aaronMCN

As others have noted throughout this weekend, Hong Kong protesters have become very adept very quickly at reacting to tear gas #antiELAB

Aaron Mc Nicholas @aaronMCN

For the second time this weekend, tear gas on the streets of Hong Kong #antiELAB

Aaron Mc Nicholas @aaronMCN

When I asked a protester why they were smashing up this car, he said it belonged to a triad. I asked him how he could know that, he said “don’t ask me.”

Then they forced open the trunk and found multiple wooden rods, similar to those used in last week’s attack #antiELAB

Aaron Mc Nicholas @aaronMCN

Protesters started to spread out after these scenes on Des Voeux Road Central

One person I spoke to on Queen’s Road Central said they do plan to leave, but the zone of activity across Hong Kong Island tonight is so wide that it’s impossible to know if this is over yet #antiELAB

Aaron Mc Nicholas @aaronMCN

Outnumbered group of riot police retreated towards Nam Bin Wai before being joined by reinforcements soon after. Quite tense as there’s not a lot of room for a buffer here #antiELAB

Alejandro Alvarez @aletweetsnews

These lasers Hong Kong protesters are pointing at riot police through billowing tear gas, it's like something out of a sci-fi movie. #AntiELAB

Antony Dapiran @antd

Lest anyone thought HK people would take a rest from protesting today after the events of Yuen Long yesterday: a crowd of thousands moving from Central towards Wanchai chanting “Dirty cops! Shame!” (黑警可恥!)

Alejandro Alvarez @aletweetsnews

Stunning view of Yuen Long before things went south. Even with warnings from Hong Kong officials and a looming risk of triad attacks, this crowd turned out anyway. #AntiELAB

