

「警察」カテゴリー 第 3 位
2020-03-30 更新  4,603 Views

カテゴリー: 警察   タグ: 香港  
閲覧数:4603  投稿日:2020-03-24   更新日:2020-03-30   投稿:tweets_demo_
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ANTI ELAB KR🇭🇰광복홍콩 시대혁명 @AntiELAB__KR

#홍콩경찰 이 시민을 쫓겨날때는 쉴드로 한 한국기자를 밀었다. 한국기자는 한국어로 비난한 후에 경찰은 그의 한국말을 따라했고 이상한 한국말로 그 기자분을 비웃었다, 그리고 또 쎄게 기자를 밀었다.
#香港 #HongKong #PoliceBrutality #HKPoliceTerrorism #홍콩 #신문 #기자 #폭력

Rachel Cheung @rachel_cheung1

Photos from @appledaily_hk show shoppers and passersby frantically scattering in the shopping district of Causeway Bay tonight after #police randomly fired teargas, even without protesters present.

LO Kin-hei 羅健熙 @lokinhei

This is how professional the @hkpoliceforce is... a no-look throw of teargas grenade, and hit a journalist's helmet before exploding on ground. Not to say, that place is still full of bystanders, and obviously no warning before teargas.

#PoliceTerrorism #HongKongPolice #HongKong

Erin Hale @erinhale

The Hong Kong government has said no one has beenkilled at protests but funeral rites continue at Prince Edward station

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