Hong Kong Free Press @HongKongFP
A large fire was created at an exit to Wan Chai MTR station on Hennessey Road. Fire fighters dealt with the blaze.
In full: bit.ly/extraditionhk. #hongkong #hongkongprotests #antiELAB pic.twitter.com/wqtlCc7aH5

Hong Kong Free Press @HongKongFP
At dusk, police on Hennessy Road briefly retreated to jeers from an onlooking crowd.
Full story: hongkongfp.com/2019/09/15/tea…. #hongkong #hongkongprotests #antiELAB pic.twitter.com/mUBb904Y37

PassionTimes 熱血時報 @PassionTimes
防暴警察於銅鑼灣E出口施放催淚彈後,幾經辛苦先至拉番好個閘。(7:50 PM) pic.twitter.com/Q6fxFmdK6Z

Jack Hazlewood @JackHHazlewood
Outside Victoria’s Secret in CWB, the crowd cheers “wooohhh, here comes the cops!!”. Or not. It’s getting kinky in here. #反送中 #antiELAB #HongKongProtests pic.twitter.com/stzbKbDR7c

PassionTimes 熱血時報 @PassionTimes
防暴警察於銅鑼灣E出口施放催淚彈後,多名記者中招,要接受治理。1/2 pic.twitter.com/qbWXuzs5Nb

Hong Kong Free Press @HongKongFP
🔴HKFP live replay: Residents and onlookers heckle as police retreat into Causeway Bay MTR Station at 7:30pm: facebook.com/hongkongfp/vid…
#HongKongProtests #hongkong #antiELAB pic.twitter.com/jYwAcRpkM9

Hong Kong Free Press @HongKongFP
Police retreating from a jeering crowd went into Causeway Bay MTR Station, as an MTR staffer closed the gates.
Full story: hongkongfp.com/2019/09/15/tea…
#hongkong #hongkongprotests #antiELAB pic.twitter.com/egoQPhOfAQ

Hong Kong Free Press @HongKongFP
The blue flag warning of an illegal assembly on Lockhart Road, and the red flag warning of the use of force at Causeway Bay, were hoisted at 7:30pm.
Full story: hongkongfp.com/2019/09/15/tea…
#hongkong #hongkongprotests #antiELAB pic.twitter.com/N16N43B0jb

Hong Kong Free Press @HongKongFP
At least three canisters of tear gas thrown out of a Causeway Bay MTR exit at 7:45pm, towards primarily onlookers without protective gear and journalists.
Full story: hongkongfp.com/2019/09/15/tea…
#hongkong #hongkongprotests #antiELAB pic.twitter.com/v10ulDu97J

Hong Kong Free Press @HongKongFP
With Admiralty, Wanchai and Causeway Bay MTR Stations closed, Tin Hau Station is packed with passengers at 7:50pm. Some turnstiles have been vandalised.
Full story: hongkongfp.com/2019/09/15/tea…
#hongkong #hongkongprotests #antiELAB pic.twitter.com/nK5kt7azGP
順位 | ページタイトル抜粋 | アクセス数 |
1 | 金王八幡宮 例祭 2019。3ページ目。令和元年9月15日 金王八幡宮大祭 道玄坂 渋谷109前 御神輿連合渡御 今年は3年に1度の本祭 すごい熱気でした pic.twitter.com/4h24qNU7HX | 1 |
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1 | フィエスタ・デ・エスパーニャ 2022。6ページ目。オレ! アパァ! はい、スペインフェス。 シェリーをはじめ、 お酒の種類が多めー。 pic.twitter.com/QOzESZ4S9h | 1 |
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2 | 竜巻(災害) カテゴリー | 2 |
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2025/3/12 1:02 更新 |