Hong Kong Free Press @HongKongFP
Armed men in white shirts are attacking onlookers at Fortress Hill at 8pm on Sunday. Reporters on the scene observed that police did not stop them.
Full story: hongkongfp.com/2019/09/15/tea…
Photo: Screenshot. #hongkong #hongkongprotests #antiELAB pic.twitter.com/m1a7ZK5QLX

Hong Kong Free Press @HongKongFP
Police and their armoured vehicles are back out on the streets of Causeway Bay at 8pm.
Full story: hongkongfp.com/2019/09/15/tea…
Photo: @SiuSinGallery / HKFP. #hongkong #hongkongprotests #antiELAB pic.twitter.com/P7kXMDgXBm

Police’s shot shattered a window in Wan Chai and sent glass fragments flying, injuring a journalist. Photo from @StandNewsHK pic.twitter.com/kvhfmv7bXa

Jack Hazlewood @JackHHazlewood
Riot police have just been physically forced into CWB MTR after losing control of the situation in Wan Chai & being forced back by protestors. They were again aiming pepper spray directly in the faces of journalists & LegCo member Hui Chi-fung. #反送中 #antiELAB #HongKongProtests pic.twitter.com/bEeglBGlqs

Jack Hazlewood @JackHHazlewood
Riot police, trapped in an entrance to CWB MTR, have just pepper sprayed a crowd of mostly journo’s & raised the red flag in preparation to charge - all whilst they’re safe behind the railings with protestors doing little more than taunting. #反送中 #antiELAB #HongKongProtests pic.twitter.com/enlCWIKT5B

PassionTimes 熱血時報 @PassionTimes
• 金鐘站,灣仔站及銅鑼灣站暫時關閉,列車不停有關車站
• 南港島綫以海洋公園站為終點站,港鐵現正提供免費接駁巴士來往堅尼地城站和海洋公園站
• 部分車站有出入口暫時關閉 pic.twitter.com/XiIuTHFbrp

Hong Kong Free Press @HongKongFP
At dusk Aunday, riot police pushed through Harcourt Road with water cannon and tear gas. Protesters fled towards Wan Chai.
In full: bit.ly/extraditionhk. Photo: @SiuSinGallery / HKFP. #hongkong #hongkongprotests #antiELAB pic.twitter.com/rTomMnF2PN

Hong Kong Free Press @HongKongFP
At dusk, the ground was strewn with hundreds of bricks afte protesters hurled objects and fire bombs at gov't HQ and police front lines. MTR exits and lifts were vandalised.
In full: bit.ly/extraditionhk. Photo: @SiuSinGallery / HKFP. #hongkong #hongkongprotests #antiELAB pic.twitter.com/EUWn8oByGS

Another tough day for MTR. Admiralty Station entrances are heavily vandalized, with steel-glass safety wall smashed down and gates blocked from outside. Protesters even wrote "Party Rail" 黨鐵 in simplified Chinese to criticize the railway operator. pic.twitter.com/Fh6r22ke18

water cannon deployed in HK pic.twitter.com/X283gts9ip
順位 | ページタイトル抜粋 | アクセス数 |
1 | 金王八幡宮 例祭 2019。3ページ目。令和元年9月15日 金王八幡宮大祭 道玄坂 渋谷109前 御神輿連合渡御 今年は3年に1度の本祭 すごい熱気でした pic.twitter.com/4h24qNU7HX | 1 |
1 | tweets | 1 |
1 | フィエスタ・デ・エスパーニャ 2022。6ページ目。オレ! アパァ! はい、スペインフェス。 シェリーをはじめ、 お酒の種類が多めー。 pic.twitter.com/QOzESZ4S9h | 1 |
2025/3/12 1:02 更新 |
順位 | ページタイトル抜粋 | アクセス数 |
1 | tweets | 30 |
2 | 竜巻(災害) カテゴリー | 2 |
2 | 代々木公園ストリートパフォーマンス(イベント) カテゴリー | 2 |
3 | カテゴリー一覧 | 1 |
3 | プログラマ() カテゴリー | 1 |
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3 | 立ち往生(交通) カテゴリー | 1 |
3 | 代々木公園無料イベント(イベント) カテゴリー | 1 |
3 | 大雪(災害) カテゴリー | 1 |
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3 | 恵比寿無料イベント(イベント) カテゴリー | 1 |
2025/3/12 1:02 更新 |