Three squads of riot police have arrived at Chatham Road S, but protesters just ran away. #hongkongprotests pic.twitter.com/j67a8407Rv

“I walked all the way there just to take bus, now I have to walk to take MTR again!” A old couple complained. Some protesters apologised, but some shouted back. Both left safely. pic.twitter.com/lcOOfjx8lp

Protesters have avoided direct confrontations with riot police as they walked through Cameron Road, and Chatham Road S, another main road partly blocked. pic.twitter.com/LApxiKtkWv

At least 6-7 rounds of tear gas fired outside of TST police station, which is very near Park Lane Shopper’s Boulevard. Protesters also threw stones into the station. Some tourists apparently scared. pic.twitter.com/DGSqYQ1mHh

After the cross-harbour tunnel is completely blocked, protesters built barricades and then left for TST. The entire action took less than 20min. #hongkongprotests pic.twitter.com/ahivZe204E

Police pepper spray Sai Wan Ho residents who said police not welcome. pic.twitter.com/7vbKSmsZ2R

and this is #HongKongPolice shooting at protesters within CLOSE RANGE
they have all gone mad. pic.twitter.com/C5LFnkkn2K

Photo from a friend, blood left on the floor of Causeway Bay station. pic.twitter.com/jmB57N4YNp

can mtr announcements stop saying there was an “incident” all the time and just say “police fired tear gas inside the mtr station” pic.twitter.com/LNMDlDhnkj

Alejandro Alvarez @aletweetsnews
Here's video of a Hong Kong subway station, Kwai Fong, shrouded in tear gas tonight with #AntiELAB protesters treating their injured in a stranded train. Again, via RTHK: pic.twitter.com/xq0mgHcGsE
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1 | tweets | 1 |
1 | フィエスタ・デ・エスパーニャ 2022。6ページ目。オレ! アパァ! はい、スペインフェス。 シェリーをはじめ、 お酒の種類が多めー。 pic.twitter.com/QOzESZ4S9h | 1 |
2025/3/13 1:02 更新 |
順位 | ページタイトル抜粋 | アクセス数 |
1 | tweets | 30 |
2 | 竜巻(災害) カテゴリー | 2 |
2 | 代々木公園ストリートパフォーマンス(イベント) カテゴリー | 2 |
3 | カテゴリー一覧 | 1 |
3 | プログラマ() カテゴリー | 1 |
3 | ファッションモデル() カテゴリー | 1 |
3 | 立ち往生(交通) カテゴリー | 1 |
3 | 代々木公園無料イベント(イベント) カテゴリー | 1 |
3 | 大雪(災害) カテゴリー | 1 |
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3 | 新宿無料イベント(イベント) カテゴリー | 1 |
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3 | ゴルフ(スポーツ) カテゴリー | 1 |
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3 | ハロウィン(イベント) カテゴリー | 1 |
3 | 恵比寿無料イベント(イベント) カテゴリー | 1 |
2025/3/13 1:02 更新 |